James Marriott, MS

Senior Research Associate


View Curriculum Vitae


 Areas of Expertise

  • Quantitative data management and analysis

  • Epidemiology

  • Food security

Food Story

Marriott was an extremely picky eater growing up (he once went a full year eating exclusively toast and yogurt). Going to college in rural Vermont and being surrounded by a strong local food system allowed Marriott to expand his palette and knowledge. After getting involved in a community-supported agriculture program outside of Boston, he decided to make a drastic job change from the biotech industry to farming and spent a growing season working on a vegetable farm to learn the ins-and-outs of what it takes to grow delicious produce that is healthy for people and the planet. Now Marriott hopes to work towards making fresh, local produce available to everyone, as access to healthy food should be a right, not a privilege.

Academic History and Achievements

M.S., Population Health Research: Epidemiology, Boston University of Public Health, 2022 

B.A., summa cum laude, Neuroscience, Middlebury College, 2019 
