The Center for Nutrition & Health Impact (CNHI) is the only independent non-profit research center of its kind with expertise in measurement and evaluation of nutrition-related programs.
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Happy New Year from the Center for Nutrition & Health Impact!
In 2024, we celebrated milestones, including our fresh new look, reaffirming our commitment to creating meaningful health impacts in public health systems and communities. Join us as we reflect on a year of growth and look ahead to an even brighter 2025!
New Food Insecurity Measures
With funding from the Walmart Foundation, we developed measures that assess household resilience, nutrition security and dietary choice and the three pillars of food security that are not currently captured by the USDA Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) (availability, utilization and stability). These measures are low-burden and self-administered modules that aim to provide a more holistic assessment of the food insecurity experience.
Leading National Nutrition Incentive Evaluation
Selected by the USDA, CNHI leads national evaluation and technical assistance center for nutrition incentive and produce prescription programs.

Our work speaks for itself, and we’ll give your work a voice.
Through our evaluation work, healthy eating active living programs have been empowered with evidence.

Recent Publications
Development of new measures to assess household nutrition security, and choice in dietary characteristics
“Not having standard measures to assess a wider view of the food insecurity experience can cause under-counting, such as inability to identify households who can afford food but may still have external limitations on their ability to acquire foods that meet their health needs and food preferences.”
State Agencies’ Perspectives on Planning and Preparing for WIC Online Ordering Implementation
“What barriers do WIC State agencies face when implementing WIC online ordering, what resources and support do WIC State agencies need to overcome those barriers, and what are the key lessons learned from State agencies that have experience with WIC online ordering?”
How does eligibility for GusNIP produce prescriptions relate to fruit and vegetable purchases and what factors shape the relationship?
“GusNIP requirements specify that PPR prescriptions can only be redeemed for fresh (not frozen, canned or dried) FVs. This requirement may prevent participants from fully engaging in or benefiting from GusNIP PPR, given communities with lower healthy food access may have reduced fresh FV accessibility.”
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Want to work with us?
We are looking to fill research scientist and research associate positions. View our open positions and organizational culture on the Join Our Team page.