Center for Nutrition & Health Impact — Children's Case Study

----   OUR WORK   ----

Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Preventing Childhood Obesity Community Grants 


Partner: Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, Children’s Center for the Child & Community

Program Name: Preventing Childhood Obesity Community Grants


Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, funds community initiatives that aim to prevent childhood obesity through its Preventing Childhood Obesity Community (PCO) Grants program.



Past Grantee

From 2013 to 2015, the Center for Nutrition & Health Impact (CNHI) received funding from the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center PCO grants program. CNHI worked in collaboration with the Omaha Nutrition Education Collaborative to produce five, brief instructional videos on how early care providers and parents can educate children, up to age five, about nutrition during meals through conversation, by asking questions, making statements, setting rules and praising good behavior.

Program Evaluation

In 2016, CNHI was selected by Children’s Hospital & Medical Center to conduct an evaluation of the overall impact of the PCO grants program. The evaluation included interviewing grantees to discuss reach of the programs, grantee organization readiness to complete projects, and assess challenges and successes for the organizations trying to address childhood obesity in our community. Information was compiled to determine key findings and recommendations for evaluation strategies to increase capacity among community organizations, determine overall impact of the grants program and how to strengthen the grants program.

Development of RFPs, Scoring Criteria and Review Process

In 2017, CNHI partnered with the newly developed Children’s Center for the Child & Community to rebuild the request for proposals (RFP) and scoring metrics for the PCO grants program, as well as aid in refining the areas of focus. In addition, CNHI helped lead a workshop to introduce the new RFP process to potential grantees, explaining new aspects of the grant.  

Learning Collaborative and Technical Assistance

In collaboration with Children’s Center for the Child & Community, CNHI launched a Learning Collaborative with sessions for grantees that focus on building capacity in areas such as evaluation, implementation and sustainability. In addition, CNHI provides evaluation technical assistance for the PCO grantees on an as needed basis.