Areas of Expertise
Quantitative analysis methods
More than 10 years of lecturing
Food Story
One thing Dos Santos likes most in life is eating. However, her entire family on her mom's side is overweight or obese. For nine years, she practiced Kung fu with her brothers. When Dos Santos started college, she ate a lot of sugar and stopped doing physical exercises. There she gained about 20kg. After Dos Santos saw a talk about diseases related to high consumption of simple carbohydrates, she became more aware of the quality and quantity of food and, from there, changed her eating habits. However, Dos Santos is not an extremist. But in her words, she needs to learn to cook better.
Academic History
In progress: Ph.D., Translational Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University
In progress: C.E.R.T., Advanced Epidemiology, University of Missouri
In progress: C.E.R.T., Biostatistics, The Institute for Statistics Education
C.E.R.T., Global Clinical Scholars Research Training, Harvard University, 2022
C.E.R.T., Statistics and Research Methods, Hispanic Society of Scientific Researchers, Lima, Peru, 2017
M.S., Biodiversity in Tropical Areas and Conservation, Menéndez Pelayo International University, Valencia, Spain, 2013
B.S., Biology/Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 2009