Center for Nutrition & Health Impact Scientific Strategy Sessions


Pictured above (left to right): Dr. Justin Shanks, Finnegan Shanks, Dr. Carmen Byker Shanks, Dr. Amy Yaroch, Dr. Chris Long, Leah Carpenter and Dr. Jennie Hill in Bozeman, MT. 

Center for Nutrition & Health Impact Scientific Strategy Sessions

June 22-27, Bozeman, Montana

Attendees: Executive Director Dr. Amy Yaroch, Associate Director Leah Carpenter, Principal Research Scientist Dr. Carmen Byker Shanks, Principal Research Scientist Dr. Chris Long, Adjunct Senior Research Scientist Dr. Jennie Hill 

Main takeaways and highlights: CNHI leadership and scientists met in Bozeman, Montana for a multi-day scientific strategy session. The team discussed several topics to strengthen CNHI’s growing and recently rebranded model, including position development, new and existing policies, career pathing and more. This in-person planning time was a productive way to both identify needs and have working sessions to come away from the meeting with newly developed strategies. 

Kate Dougherty