American Heart Association (AHA) Food is Medicine Grantee Meeting


American Heart Association (AHA) Food is Medicine Grantee Meeting • April 29-30, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

Attendees: Senior Research Scientist Dr. Betsy Anderson Steeves, WIC Program Advisor Dr. Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen 

Main takeaways and highlights: This two-day in-person workshop brought together the American Heart Association (AHA) Food is Medicine (FIM) grantees. Dr. Anderson Steeves serves as a Co-Investigator on a team from Kentucky that is testing in-person versus automated screening and referrals for FIM. AHA is using a learning collaborative model where grantees meet on Zoom and in-person to facilitate reciprocal learning and implement shared measures across the grants including elements of user-center designs, behavioral science and implementation science and cost effectiveness analysis.